Oh boy...I have to apologize for not keeping up with this little blog of mine. Life seems to throw you every once in a while and over the past few months, I feel like I've been seriously tossed about. Between starting a new job, starting daycare (for my son, not me) and all the separation anxiety and new germs that come with, having to move (that's a whole different story...or maybe I should say saga in itself) along with all the other demands of everyday life, my little blog has been lost in the mess. We haven't even been eating very well around this house....let alone eating well enough to brag about ;)
But, the dust cloud seems to be settling, and I might just find time again soon to get back to blogging.
For now however, you will have to settle for a picture of one of the most delicious things I've tasted in a LONG time. We spent the night up the coast visiting with family and tending to some business earlier this week. On our way south however we of course found time to stop at the fabulous Local Ocean Seafoods restaurant in Newport, OR. This is by far one of the best restaurants I've ever been to and most definitely the very best for fresh seafood. Upon seeing that a WHOLE fried rockfish was offered on the menu, my brother just could not resist. The fish was fried whole, skin on and then drenched in a sweet & spicy sauce made with (this is my best guess) rice wine vinegar, garlic chili sauce, soy sauce, cilantro and probably a few other things I couldn't quite discern. A feast for the eyes and certainly for the stomach--this dish had to be photographed and blogged about.